DXI-8i Quickstart Guide
Sending Serial Data:
To send serial data, simply type the serial command into the appropriate box on the intended button. Any hexadecimal data should be preceded by a percent sign (e.g., %0D to send a carriage return).
Sending Telnet Data:
Below is the command structure for DXI to send a Telnet command:
Any hexadecimal data should be preceded by a percent sign (e.g., %0D to send a carriage return).
Sending Multiple Telnet Commands:
You can send multiple Telnet commands by using a delimiter between commands. The character # is used with a single digit after for delays between commands in a string to create a “Macro”. A 0-F (0-15) will follow the #. Each number is a multiple of 100ms delay so #8 is 800ms, #D is 1300ms. If # character is required to be sent for none delay purpose then a ## must be used. Delay can only be specified in between telnet commands separated by commas.
Presets allow you to define a set of discreet commands, then cycle up and down through them with button presses. A typical application might be volume commands. Here we've programmed 0-100% in increments of 10. You can see the output in the Hercules Terminal below.
Color Macro:
The COLOR MACRO option, allows a button press-or-release to set the color of one, or many buttons. A Typical application is having the ON button turn green, and the OFF button turn off...and then the OFF button turning red, and ON to off
The other color option buttons simply set the Press/Release state if Macro function in not desired.
Programmed IP Address:
The DXB-8i ships default: You can set the desired programmed network parameters in the upper-right configuration window. During programming, the unit will change to the new address, so you may need to adjust you PC network card accordingly.
Sending Program:
The Communications (Lower-right) window is to be set to the current IP address of the DXB-8i (Default You can then press CONNECT and then SEND to program the DXB-8i.
NOTE: During programming, the unit will take the address as set in the configuration section, so you may need to adjust you PC network card accordingly.
DXI Software GUI Size: (For those blind peeps like me ;-)
You can locate the SETTINGS.INI file where the DXI EXE is located, and open with a text editor.
Adjusting this MAGNIFICATION parameter from 1.0 to 5.0. Default is 1.1, good for 1080p.
Once saved, relaunch DXI, and the GUI will resize.
Detecting DXB-8i IP Address:
As of firmware version 1.18, the DXB-8i ships as DHCP (Formerly Static /
If no DHCP server present, will assign after >10 seconds post boot up.
If DHCP server is present, you can use Hercules to poll for active units on same network.
Use UDP setting as below, and select LISTEN.
Send this command: {"Type":0,"Function":0}
The response will return any/all units on network.
Note: Make sure your PC is on same network as DHCP!
Updating Firmware:
To update firmware, web into the controller. Example:
User / Password default is admin / admin.
If IP or password is unknown, factory reset unit by press-n-hold buttons 3 & 7 >10 sec, which will revert unit back to default IP ; See button order below:
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
Once logged in, select START UPDATE:
Press OK to enter update mode:
Download TFTPD program, found HERE.
Launch TFTPD program, enter IP Address, and browse the DXB-8i Firmware file:
Press the PUT button to upload new FW:
Once complete, press OK, and your unit is now ready to go.
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
Once logged in, select START UPDATE:
Press OK to enter update mode:
Download TFTPD program, found HERE.
Launch TFTPD program, enter IP Address, and browse the DXB-8i Firmware file:
Press the PUT button to upload new FW:
Once complete, press OK, and your unit is now ready to go.